You're at the grocery store, and your daughter starts throwing a temper tantrum...What do you do?
Shout at her that she needs to stop and then feel guilty later for losing my temper. She was just tired and I should have had more patience. I will do better next time.
Comfort her, tell her everything will be okay and we will talk at home, and frazzled, I rush out of the store asap.
Take a few deep breaths and remind myself that I'm not the only parent in the world to have this situation occur. Then try to put myself in her shoes to see why she's upset.
Let her cry--kids will be kids. Besides it's Walmart so nobody will notice.

When I hear the words, mindful parenting, the first thing that comes to mind is:
Letting my children do anything they want with no consequences.
Being aware and accepting of what may arise in a nonjudgmental, loving manner.
Every time I get mad at my child, I meditate until the anger goes away.
When an issue arises, I am careful with my words as I scold my child.

Your son says he's 'just not in the mood' for his piano lesson... How do you respond?
Sit down and talk with him. Take the time to really listen to what heā€™s saying. Is there a deeper reason for his not wanting to go?
"No problem, don't worry about it." Piano is a waste of his time anyway! He just needed it to have an extracurricular activity.
I tell him he can skip this lesson, we all have off days. I do expect him to go next week, though.
l ask him why he doesn't want to go but then tell him he needs to go anyway because he made a commitment.

Which song describes your family life?
Bitter Sweet Symphony
Welcome to the Jungle
It's A Wonderful World
Ain't No Sunshine

You come home with a headache from an exhausting day at work, and your daughter says she needs help with her homework... What do you tell her?
"I'll be happy to help you but I need to take 30 minutes to take care of myself first."
"Let me help you get started, but then I need to go because I have a headache."
"You know what? Don't worry about doing your homework... I'm sure other kids will skip, too."
"Nope, I had to learn things for myself and you need to do it, too."

Which weather represents your mood right now?
Bright and sunny.
Slightly overcast with a chance of rain.
Thundering and may storm.
F-5 Tornado about to hit!

You’re in the middle of cooking dinner and your son starts demanding your attention because he wants to build a puzzle together. He has done this for the past four days. How do you respond?
Drop everything to go play with him. He has been whiny lately so there may be something going on. We can always eat sandwiches!
Tell him to stop bothering you because youā€™re cooking and he can go play with his sister.
Tell him gently that you canā€™t stop now but you can build the puzzle together after dinner. Give him a treat so he'll let you cook in peace.
Acknowledge to yourself that he is seeking attention for a reason, tell him you understand he needs help and you will be happy to help him after dinner. And then engage him in cooking with you while probing gently for any underlying issues which may be causing the attention-seeking behavior.

Which song describes your parenting?
Take it Easy on Me
I Will Survive
Lovin' Every Minute of It
Super Trouper

How do you practice self-care?
I don't but I really wish I could. My kids take all my time!
Yes! I take at least 30 minutes a day to do something to de-stress, such as reading a book or meditating.
I try to do a monthly massage but it doesn't always happen. I know I need it.
I don't understand why you're asking. What does that have to do with parenting?
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